When does multifactor authentication start?

Multifactor authenticaton will be launched for web portal in second half of November. In the meantime, please use your existing credentials.

You will be informed about upcoming activation of multifactor authentication in the web portal.

are we introducing it ?

Multi-factor authentication is another layer of protection against cyber threats, such as phishing attacks and account theft.

When you log in, we verify your identity using two different "authentication" factors - a password, an SMS code or a verifying phone call.

This is another layer of protection for higher account security.

How to set multifactor authentication for web portal

Follow these steps:
  • Starting multifactor authentication requires new user accounts for all users in the form of their email address. For set up of web portal multifactor authentication please use the link: Detailed step-by-step procedure.
  • Here you set the password for the new user account. You will be asked to enter your email address, confirm its correctness using the code sent to this email address, and finally you will be asked to enter a verification code from an SMS that arrives at the mobile number paired with your email address.
  • In case that any step of MFA set up is not working, please contact MFA support using email address mfa@gpe.cz
  • You will be ready to start using multifactor authentication when MFA set up finished.
  • Detailed step-by-step procedure

How to use multifactor authentication for web portal

Here please enter your username in form of your email address and your password. If you don't know your password, you can reset it by clicking on the Forgotten password? link. After entering login details, please press the Sign in button.

The second factor authentication will follow. Please choose authentication method.
A) Verification by SMS/Phone call
Click Continue

Please use Send verification code button. Then you will receive an SMS message with a numeric code, which you enter. Alternatively, you can use the option Call me. In this case the servis will call you and you will confirm the login by pressing hash button on your phone.

After entering the code, press the Verify Code button and you will be logged in to the application.

B) Verification via Token code
Please follow instructions under section How to set up mobile authenticator application:
Enter the code from your mobile authenticator application and click Continue.

Enter your code from your mobile application. After entering of the code please press Verify button.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Once the multifactor authentication is started, you will need to enter verification code during login. You will receive verification code

1) when you log in to the Merchant portal, the second factor verification code will be valid 15 minutes

2) when you log in from another device or quit and restart the browser

In case that system is reporting an incorrect password, please use Forgotten password button. You will be asked to fill in your email address to resend verification code.

Please copy the code from email received and insert into web form, use button Verify code
Verification of your email address was successful, you can Continue. Next step will be verification via SMS/ Call. Choose Send verification code (optional Call Me)
Please enter the code received via SMS / Call and click Verify Code
Please set up new password for your newly established account. The password requires at least 12 characters and must contain at least three of the four character groups: lowercase, uppercase letters, numbers ( 0-9) and one or more special following characters : @ # $ % ^ & * - _ + = [ ] { } | \ : ' , ? / ` ~ " ( ) ; .
This will complete the user ID and password set up and you will be redirected to the web portal aplication to finish next steps.

In case of any trouble during the set up, please contact our team using email mfa@gpe.cz

In case that you didn't receive your SMS verification code, please try the option Resend verification code. Code is valid 5 minutes.

In case that you will not receive your verification code even after second attempt, please contact our team mfa@gpe.cz

Please contact us, our team mfa@gpe.cz is ready to help.

Please contact us, our team mfa@gpe.cz is ready to help.

For verification set-up via mobile application on your device please select Enroll token during registration.

Choose Continue.

Next step will verify you via SMS/call, click Send verification code

Enter your verification code and click Verify Code

Download mobile authenticator application based on the type of your phone and scan QR code - For Microsoft Authenticator is necessary to choose Other account (Google, Facebook, etc..) Than click Continue

Use verification code from application to Verify your account.

In case of any trouble during the set up, please contact our team using email mfa@gpe.cz

The procedure below describes how to set a new user account.

Setting a new user password can be done here.

After entering the email address, the system will send an email with a verification code. Please insert the code when received.

It may take a few minutes for the email to arrive.

Copy the code and insert the code into the web form and click Verify code

Verification of you email address was successful. Please continue with set up of your user account. The password requires at least 12 characters and must contain at least three of the four character groups: lowercase, uppercase letters, numbers ( 0-9) and one or more special following characters: @ # $ % ^ & * - _ + = [ ] { } | \ : ' , ? / ` ~ " ( ) ; .

Please insert your phone number for SMS/Call verification and use Send verification code button.

Enter your verification code received via SMS and continue with Verify Code button.

This completes the password setting and you will be redirected to web portal for next steps.